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May 2022 Newsletter


7 NEWS Young Achiever Awards QLD 2022

Congratulations to our very own Amy Tobin! On Friday 22nd April, Amy dolled herself up and headed up to Brisbane to attend the awards night. The B105 Brisbane People's Choice award was first up with over 450 votes, Amy took out first place! The next award was the Special Events Presentation Sporting award Whilst Overcoming Adversity for 2022, Amy was shocked again by winning her second award! The night didn't end there...Amy was then announced the winner of Queensland's Young Achiever of the year 2022!

Congratulations to coach, mentor, friend, superstar Amy Tobin!

Race Runner of the Month

Congratulations to Jackson Kirkham, Race Runner for the month of April. Jackson's continued effort and commitment to improve and work hard has allowed him to achieve many PB's and to run 100m in under 40 secs.

Congratulations to William Dickinson Race Runner of the month of May showing amazing commitment to training by completing an hour on the treadmill and running 8.4kms.

Congratulations to Cayleb Pinelli Racer Runner of the month of May for consistently improving and always trying his best. Well done!

Congratulations to Matthew Henderson Race Runner of the month of Mayor completing a 60m race with no assistance and 100m staying in his lane! Amazing!


Donations have started rolling in. We would like to give a big shout out to Bunnings Mermaid Waters ($300), Coles Miami ($100) , Coles Coomera ($100) , Burleigh Tribe ($100 shoe voucher) Dan Murphys ($50). Also a big thanksto all of our familiesand friends who donated gift cards.

The gift cards are to be used in the Fly Into July fundraiser and for prizes to be given out throughout the year….

Fly Into July

Flyinto July registrations are now open.

The link to register is click. to join us

$31 per person Walk, wheel or run !

Join us, and FLY into July.

Set yourself a social, mental or physical goal.

Fly into July and Now I Can Run are here to support your journey.

More details will be emailedout soon

JollySoles Socks

Bynow everyone that wanted to be a part of this fundraiser has their boxes of socks…so far this has been successful as everyone loves a pair of funky socks! Just a friendly reminder that when you have sold all of the socks please transfer the money into Now I Can Run account and notify Amy or Isabella when it has been done.

Salisbury Run – Adelaide

On Sunday the 15th of May, five of our social frame runners participated in theSalisbury Fun Run. What an event it was from record breaking entries, course times, Olympians, SA Premier and our Race Runners in the mix – it was history in the making where ever you looked! The Move OT Bickford’s Salisbury Run was the first time Race Runners had been included in the 2 km run event. Despite the crisp morning start, the Race Runners were eager to participate and record their best times. With support of Achieving Abilities exercise physiologists and family members, the Race Runner ran the course with determination. As the finish line was in sight, our eager crew push through the difficult grassy final stages to cross the line to cheering crowds. Each member of the Now I Can Run SA received a sponsorship from The Lotus Project of $250 for the dedication to challenge themselves and for a demonstration of confidence and enthusiasm.

Written by Thomas Mattinson

Race Runner Profile of the Month

Sha F aka Rachel (from Friends)

· Age: 19

· RR classification: not yet.

· The NICaR RR frameI use is called: “The Genie”– because he makes wishes come true. My wish is to run fast.

· When did you start RaceRunning?: I started RaceRunning at an Athletics SA Come- and-Try programme in January 2020.

· How often do you run? I trainwith Coach John two-times a week and Coach Simon on Saturday so I can run with Tom. I also like the Sunday socialrun-and-morning tea mornings that Lauren (EP) organises for the NICaR SA crew. It’s fun to run with friends. Last Sunday I ran 2km in the Salisbury Fun Run for the first time.

· What else do you dofor fitness? I cycle on my Gomier trike and do the exercises that Lauren my Exercise Physiologist gives me.

· Doyou like to enter races in the summer athleticseason? I love racing especially going fast in my lane, chasing Tom and listening to the race caller. My times have got faster and faster.

· How does runningmake you feel? Ifeel powerful and strong and happy.

· Who would you like to go running with?Erin Phillips, my favourite footy lady who is going to play with Port Adelaide Power.

· What are you looking forward to next? Getting my own RR frame, it is being painted and is almost ready. I would like some off-roadwheels to make it easier to runon grass. I want to run in Denmark in 2023.

· Who would you like to thank?Thank you to Amy Tobin,my Coaches – John and Simon, Lauren, Athletics SA, the Novita team who told Mum about RaceRunning, the NICaR SA parents and my RR friends for being part of my whole new world.

Now I Can Run Half Year Celebration

On the weekend of Sunday 22nd of May we had our half yearly day of celebration at the Pimpama Tavern. We celebrated Amy's achievements including her awards and Now I Can Run as a team. We would like to introduce Caleb to our team as Assistant Coach. Congratulations! We would also like to thank everyone for coming and celebrating all achievements.

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