Athlete Profiles
Jackson is 11 and half years old and is on the Gold Coast. He started race running
about 18 months ago. Jackson (also known as Jacko to most people) loves
competition. He has improved immensely, from the boy who could hardly move the
race runner he now has personal best of 39.2 secs for 100m. He especially loves the
race days the best and always has a smile on his face. The social side has also been a
winner with him. Apart from race running Jacko does swimming, wheelchair tennis
and AFL. He is truely driven by sport.. His Nan calls him an AFL freak as he knows so
much about the sport. Jacko has a twin brother, who plays for opposition rugby so
there are some interesting chats going on in the house. He has 4 brothers in total so
Nan's house is very male dominated!
Dante loves
Dante Dinatale
Dante loves the social part of his race runner, where he and his friends have the freedom to stand and move around freely. He takes his RaceRunner to the Melbourne Botanical gardens and walk around the Tracks where all the joggers go!
He loves visiting QLD for the month of June and participating with NICAR QLD at Griffith University Athletics track with Amy and his friends. One of Dante’s goals is staying in his lane of the athletic track… That’s quite challenging, but it’s fun! 😂😂😂 Even Mum gets her exercise in 😉
Dante has right side Hemiplegia Cerebral Palsy due to a stroke he had while in utero, but that hasn’t stopped him to participate in many activities. Racerunning has bought a competitive side out of Dante, when he hears go……. He takes off!
Dante loves music of all types. Dante enjoys being outside exploring the garden and going on walks either on his race runner or his trike. He also loves swimming only in warm Water 😅
Just a friendly reminder about our fundraising. A big thank you to everyone that got involved in the Jolly Socks. Money is rolling in.... please remember to deposit it
into the Now I Can Run account.
Fly Into July starts 1st July. Remember to register, start your fundraising page and start asking for sponsors. Fun activities and goals will be set each week for the month of July.
Register at www.fly.org.au/flyintojuly
We would like to wish our very own Isabella & Thomas farewell & good luck as they travel to Copenhagen, Denmark. They are attending the annual Frame Running International Camp & CPISRA International Cup, This is being held from 10-17th July. They are so excited and can't
wait for the experience and to learn new things.
Race Runner of the Month
Congratulations to Thomas, Race Runner for the month of June. Well done on your
ongoing commitment and dedication to your training.

Congratulations to Sean, also Race Runner for the month of June. His consistent
commitment and dedication to all aspects of Race Running is commended.

Open Day
Griffith Uni Track
On Sunday 26th June we had Tommy Turbo Mattinson attend our Queensland branch from South Australia. Tommy is heading to Denmark early July. We helped Tommy fine tune his skills for his up coming competition. The open day also welcomed our regulars and our youngest athletes Oliver and Miller.
We fitted out Lulu our newest Now I Can Run member with her first race runner. Drew helped out everyone to pump up their tyres! A great day was had by all. Thanks to those who came along!